Sunday, October 30, 2022


The year 2018 was marked as the cutoff point between the Millennials and Generation Z (Commonly known – as Gen Z). Anyone born after 1996 is a part of Gen Z, they are the first generation to be completely raised in the era of smartphones and social media. Over the past so many years, we thought that Millennials were obsessed with social networking sites but Gen Z took it to the extremely next level. This generation is highly obsessed with social media and spends more than four hours daily which is directly a waste of their precious time.

Generation Z has an obsession with more visual platforms and less messaging-oriented platforms. This generation thinks differently as compared to the other generations. Millennials came into the generation of internet explosions while Gen Z came not in the era of the internet but the fastest of all times. More than 50% of youngsters are highly influenced by the use of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat.

Gen Z focuses more on what matters to them and what they can do or not, there is no in-between situation for them. Gen Z is skillful, creative, open-minded, multi-taskers, and curious but at the same time, they are over-thinkers, depressed, have the worst sleeping schedule, and can’t handle face-to-face interaction because they prefer to be behind the keyboard of their smartphone screens. But a variety of social networking sites provides them with a number of opportunities to communicate with new people all over the world whether we talk about Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. They have a unique skill to make a zone for what actually matters to them.

They are the powerhouses in their job places when it comes to remarkable management of day-to-day activities and they know exactly how to prioritize their duties. But in all goods, they are addicted to the use of technology and the excessive use of social media made them addicted to photographs, and videos and engages the audience with visual skills. Previous generations have their priorities more related to basic needs but today, Gen Z is more worried about how many likes, comments, and shares they get when they upload a photo, video, status, or anything else through their social media account. They believe the concept that social media has the power to make or break people with just one post.

But not every glitter is gold. Gen Z is more connected to the people on social media as compared to the ones living with them and this is damaging our family system. They know how to chat with an unknown person behind the screen but sometimes they don’t realize how badly they treat their parents, teachers, friends, and the close ones around them just to make their stance right.

Ending without discussing the trolling and frequent use of abusive words is not satisfying for me and the readers. We all have mobile phones, internet connections, and social networking sites but we have no right to use bad words about anyone’s personal or professional life. We are unaware of the fact that maybe someone is going through the worst part of their life or maybe it was his or her happiest moment and our single negative comment can ruin their whole event. Our young generation needs to understand the value of people’s personal boundaries. There should be a line of respect when you criticize them for anything. It’s better to say nothing if you don’t have a good thing to say. Give respect first to gain respect.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022



“Now or Never”, the first declaration of Pakistan was titled by this name in a pamphlet that was published by Choudhry Rehmat Ali in January 1933. It was a very powerful slogan that clearly gave the message of what Muslims of the sub-continent wanted and then the unbeatable struggle for a separate homeland established all over the world. 28th January 1933, was quite a historic day even after seventy-five years of independence the people of Pakistan still remember all the struggles done by the brave leaders of history.

Pakistan was not given to Muslims of the sub-continent like a piece of cake it was a complete bloodshed separation history and the journey for a hardcore love for an independent homeland. It was history just to achieve a sovereign identity for Muslims which was nearly impossible in the sub-continent. On 14th August 1947, the first country under the name of Islam came into being on the map of the world. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the dream of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the vision of Quaid-e-Azam, and the revolutionary struggle of various Muslim leaders’ men and women, young blood, and even kids from every field of life. 

The word PAKISTAN was originated by Choudhry Rehmat Ali with the concept of “Land of the Paks” which indicates the spirituality and religious aspect behind the whole independence journey. It is both a Persian and an Urdu word and every letter of this word represents a unique meaning. Punjab, Afghania (North-West Frontier Province), Kashmir, Iran, Sindh (including Kachch and Kathiawar), Tukharistan, Afghanistan, and BaluchistaN. Pakistan in spite of all the political scenarios is still a very interesting and blessed country. Among the numerous facts, the first and most important is that Pakistan is the world’s first Islamic country to attain nuclear power. 

Pakistan has the largest canal-based irrigation system in the world but still, we have some serious issues of shortage of water. We all are aware of the Khewra salt mine which is the world’s largest and oldest salt mine in the world. According to the survey, the National anthem of Pakistan ranks among the top anthems all over the world. 

When we are talking about the wonderful facts about our homeland how can we forget the second most beautiful capital in the world that is Islamabad, Pakistan. And also, we know the importance of one minute when MM Alam shot five planes in less than one minute during the Indo-Pak 1965 war.

The Badshahi Mosque in Lahore, Pakistan is one of the world’s largest mosques. After all the amazing facts, it is not justified if we forget that our tea is always fantastic and our intelligence is also fantastic. Pakistan is completely rich when it comes to tourism and tourist destinations. The country has some highest mountains, lakes, oldest civilizations, valleys, historic places, and much more for all the tourists.

Pakistanis are one of the most hospitable nations across the world. Pakistan is a blessing for us and it is our responsibility to love and respect our homeland not because we have a green passport but because this land has given us the most important thing which is identity and freedom and this has to be above all as nothing feels safe in slavery.  

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

How are you - an unanswered question

How are you? I am fine. This is one of the most important and fundamental questions we ask many people we meet daily. We ask this question no matter what our relationship is with that person, and we usually get the same answer. But is it really as simple as we thought?
No, it is the most complicated statement, which hides tones of emotions, thousands of feelings, and several untold words. If people who are close to our hearts understand this, I am sure many of us will easily come out of the untold and hidden depression. We are all facing trauma Behind the hidden laughs, smiling faces, behind the screens, and even behind the social media memes.

We all have a lot of social media friends, real-life friends, colleagues, and several people around us, but we cannot open up in front of everyone. Sometimes we have to hide our real lives from the closest people just not to cause stress, or we can say that we don’t have the courage to explain what’s going on in our lives or what we are fighting with. It is critical to determine whether your family, friend, or anyone you are with is actually fine and doing well in his or her life, or if they are just pretending to be fine in front of you and everyone else.

This life is really unpredictable and we don't know what will be the last breath of anyone's life. It is better to ask them before they give up on it. It is a harsh reality of our society that we do care for the deceased but ignore the feelings of a living person. It's all about our priorities because we usually get busy in our daily routine and ignore our loved ones or take for granted the feelings they are indirectly sharing with us through quotes, memes, social media posts, or even with the change of their moods and behaviors. It should get attention, and we have to respect someone's feelings, whether they are happiness or sadness, irritation or joy. 

What we have to do in this regard is to pay attention to the people we love, care about, and all those with whom we are connected in any way. It takes no money to be kind to someone. It just takes some of your hours and sometimes some of your days, but you can save someone who is going through the worst situation in his or her life. We, as a society, have to be patient and kind to spread positivity in this negative environment, and we have to realize that social media trolling, personal attacks, and comments on someone's personal life can ruin their lives. Just for our seconds of fun and enjoyment, we are actually destroying our society and our generation. Be kind to yourself and give time to those who deserve your precious time. Change is necessary, but change from the inside is the main change that has the power to prevent our society from more damage. 

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Luxurious life - A different story

We are living in an era where brands have become needed and a symbol of supremacy in society. We all want to have the best lifestyle and, for us, what is actually meant by the best lifestyle? As I have observed in recent years if we talk about the best lifestyle, it definitely starts with a big house instead of a happy home, a branded dress with too much arrogance inside, a car which should be more expensive than our neighbors, a high school or college in terms of speaking English instead of a quality standard education system, get together at least every month in a sound restaurant, an air-conditioned room, office and even now a traveling mode should also be air-conditioned and even much more.

Have we ever thought that this is actually the best lifestyle? Not by default, we have confused this generation between a luxurious life and a happy life. We have all now become addicted to these luxuries and, undoubtedly, we have made these things our needs. We are all equally responsible for the bad behavior of our younger generation because we didn't teach them about right or wrong. Instead, we taught them class differences, and new modern use of YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. We all have smartphones and we all know what is happening in someone's social life, but we are far away from our family, from our close ones, from those who actually need our attention.

Now it's not about the smartphone, it's about which company the young boy or girl is using, it's about which brand he or she is wearing, whom they are following on Instagram, and how many followers they have on social media. Which YouTuber is their favorite, which is the recent restaurant they have visited. We have no concerns about the quality of education and we are not willing to make innovations in our educational systems. Our generation is not thinking about doctors, engineers, medical-related fields, business degrees, law fields, not even the film-making fields. What they are watching is a YouTuber making a fun video and he or she is easily earning a lot of money just by using a mobile phone, on the other hand, young blood has completed his or her graduation or doctorate degree and their initial salary is not even 40 - 50 thousand. They paid lacs and lacs to this educational system but what they got is depression, long-time workload, bad behavior from the seniors, and low pay with more than 8-9 working hours. A ticktoker is making more money than a professional degree holder.

Where are we going? We want an independent life on our father's money, and we want luxury, but we don't want to do a hard-working, stressful job. Our generation is looking for all the shortcuts for making money and a lot of social media influencers on Instagram and other social sites with millions of followers. We have no control over our talks and aggression. There is no patience level for anyone, whether it's about family or about anyone in practical life. We need to understand that a happy life is not about a luxurious life, it's only about a peaceful life.

Our new generation is talking about stress, and depression, as they have everything they need but they are not realizing the blessings they have in their lives. They are all unaware of the importance of education because when any graduate gets the degree, he or she starts searching for contacts because, without reference, getting a job is really tough in our country. We have to stop this trend of social media influencers. What are they doing? They are promoting a good face, branded expensive dresses and makeup products, and dance and new song promotions. What are their qualifications and abilities? No one is ready to ask them what they are doing for youngsters and why they call them influencers? It is the responsibility of parents, teachers, the elderly, and even organization heads to think about it. We are not working on the skills and quality but we are investing in limelight stuff. In reality, luxury is the time we spend with our family while being busy in our daily routine. Luxury is that space we give to someone to recover from the past, actual luxury is the happy moments we spend with our friends. It is that peace we find in between the laughter, it's the mindset for doing something new every other day.

We all have to make some boundaries in which we have to understand that a happy and family-loving, peaceful lifestyle is far better than materialistic luxuries. We have to tell the younger generation that luxury is in the time and effort they are putting into building their future. We need to understand this unless we face massive disasters in the upcoming generations.

Monday, March 7, 2022


Most of the people says that there should be no specific mother's day, women's day or any other day for anyone special to us. But can we get out of this negative perspective that controls our minds and drag them towards negativity? What is wrong with celebrating a day for the ones who make our every day so perfect and wonderful? Whether I'm talking about mother, sister, our beautiful daughters and wife, women working with us in any workplace, studies at any type of educational institution etc. What is the problem with treating them uniquely and differently and making them feel special for even a single day? 
"A woman is the one who is Wonderful, outstanding, marvelous and adorable. Make her feel like she is everything to you, everyday, every minute, every year and specially with every beat of your heart."

Women's day is not about just a day, but it's an amazing idea to acknowledge the achievements of the lady, from her professional experience to the lady who is a perfect housewife to the mother who takes care of us from childhood till age. This is not just a day, but an opportunity to change the world and make them realize what women are doing for the home, for the organization, for the country and all of the above, for building generations and the nation. 

As we are all busy in our daily life and do not even make much time for the people special to us, they all understand and support us. If we give them true happiness and attention even for a single day, they will remember it for their whole life. Women's day is, in my opinion, the perfect opportunity to make them feel special and all we have to do is to make them smile. We can spend some quality time with our mother, sisters, daughters and mothers. A husband can make his wife feel like the queen of his life. It's not about a day, it's about realizing what they are meant to us. We celebrate birthdays, anniversaries or any other events, so why not women's day? No matter how much money you have, it's the effort you put into making sure that our women remember it for the rest of their lives. Your one-day effort can also change someone's whole life. Women around us work with us all. All they want is respect, honor, acknowledgement, unconditional love from the family and support to fly high. 

"Where there is a woman there is magic."

Put all the negative sides of the story aside for a while and just think about what you can do by your side for the people you love and for the people who do everything for you daily. Just take a moment and think about it.

The month of march has begun, and on 8th of march women's day will going to be celebrated internationally. Make sure you will make some time for all the women around you at your home, at your workplace, at your educational place or any other. Keep remember that it's not about the day but it's only about she is special, she is unique, she is respectable and above all she deserves the true love and respect from all of us and from our society. Respect of her rights is the most special gift we can give her on this day. Happy women's day to all the amazing ladies all around the world.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022


Have we ever observed in our surroundings how much people are stressed about the word "REJECTION"? No sugar coat, but it's a bitter reality of society that one can easily reject the other person's perspective, wish, believe, stance on something just because that person is saying something that is against your opinion or ideas. Life is not difficult, but sometimes our own companions make it unbearable.

Rejection is not wrong. Sometimes it gives us new directions towards betterment, but the fear of rejection is stressful and, in numerous cases, it can destroy our mental health completely. But in what cases, fear of rejection harm us? It can be seen in all disciplines of life. For example, a young fresh graduate goes for an interview for a certain position with full energy but the interviewer rejects his or her just because of lack of confidence or looks. We all know how much our society is obsessed with skin color, English language, brands. These are all secondary or tertiary things. The first priority of judgement should be his or her education and working abilities. Another rejection we all faced once is the ignorance of opinions if we are not in power. It has been observed frequently that fear of rejection can damage many lives at certain points. The fear about how the other person will react to your perspective, thoughts, creativity, values and so on. The ignorance does not just come from people in practical life but also from our loved ones when we fail to convince them about what we want, what we feel, what are the dreams and goals we have set for ourselves.

The fear of rejection is reality and everyone of us should accept this to get over it. This is a very debilitating fear that significantly influences your daily choices, decisions, and actions. It is acceptable to disagree with someone's school of thought, but it should not be allowed to misbehave with anyone or let down anyone or make them uncomfortable by having a difference of opinion. 

Once we give regard to the other person's ideas or suggestions, we will start growing in a positive way. Even as an individual, we should think that another person's reaction is nothing but just a difference of opinion. Fear of rejection is not the natural psychology of human life as it grows with times when we interact with different people. We get close to the people we love of admire, we started over explaining them about our opinions but we have to understand that talk to people only when they are willing to listen us. If we show extra efforts towards anything unnecessary, people starts avoiding us. This will make a person an over thinker. The lack of self-confidence creates self-doubt and it can immediately change anyone's life in a negative direction. People started avoiding social gatherings, any public meetings, when people left their own family functions. The person starts assuming negative and illusive thoughts and observes everything in a negative direction. At certain points, people start comparing themselves with others' lives. But the acceptance of anything is the first step towards change. Once you accept that somebody's opinion is creating problems in your daily routine, you will come out of it. To gain your freedom back, you just focus on yourself and by acknowledging your own achievements, and giving value to your own journey, you will get your confidence back. And once you get it back, nobody will let you down at any stage of life.