Sunday, October 30, 2022


The year 2018 was marked as the cutoff point between the Millennials and Generation Z (Commonly known – as Gen Z). Anyone born after 1996 is a part of Gen Z, they are the first generation to be completely raised in the era of smartphones and social media. Over the past so many years, we thought that Millennials were obsessed with social networking sites but Gen Z took it to the extremely next level. This generation is highly obsessed with social media and spends more than four hours daily which is directly a waste of their precious time.

Generation Z has an obsession with more visual platforms and less messaging-oriented platforms. This generation thinks differently as compared to the other generations. Millennials came into the generation of internet explosions while Gen Z came not in the era of the internet but the fastest of all times. More than 50% of youngsters are highly influenced by the use of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat.

Gen Z focuses more on what matters to them and what they can do or not, there is no in-between situation for them. Gen Z is skillful, creative, open-minded, multi-taskers, and curious but at the same time, they are over-thinkers, depressed, have the worst sleeping schedule, and can’t handle face-to-face interaction because they prefer to be behind the keyboard of their smartphone screens. But a variety of social networking sites provides them with a number of opportunities to communicate with new people all over the world whether we talk about Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. They have a unique skill to make a zone for what actually matters to them.

They are the powerhouses in their job places when it comes to remarkable management of day-to-day activities and they know exactly how to prioritize their duties. But in all goods, they are addicted to the use of technology and the excessive use of social media made them addicted to photographs, and videos and engages the audience with visual skills. Previous generations have their priorities more related to basic needs but today, Gen Z is more worried about how many likes, comments, and shares they get when they upload a photo, video, status, or anything else through their social media account. They believe the concept that social media has the power to make or break people with just one post.

But not every glitter is gold. Gen Z is more connected to the people on social media as compared to the ones living with them and this is damaging our family system. They know how to chat with an unknown person behind the screen but sometimes they don’t realize how badly they treat their parents, teachers, friends, and the close ones around them just to make their stance right.

Ending without discussing the trolling and frequent use of abusive words is not satisfying for me and the readers. We all have mobile phones, internet connections, and social networking sites but we have no right to use bad words about anyone’s personal or professional life. We are unaware of the fact that maybe someone is going through the worst part of their life or maybe it was his or her happiest moment and our single negative comment can ruin their whole event. Our young generation needs to understand the value of people’s personal boundaries. There should be a line of respect when you criticize them for anything. It’s better to say nothing if you don’t have a good thing to say. Give respect first to gain respect.

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