Monday, March 23, 2020


In the end of 2019, the World was planning about what will happen in the next year of 2020 and every country from super powers, developed countries to the developing countries. Everyone of us planning about our education, career, finance, economy, success, even wars, win, defeat to other country, betterment of country people etc. But who knows what was going to be on Earth in the end of 2019 after facing a lot of injustice in the world with those who were weak in powers. Who knows! 
In Surah-tul-Sajdah, Allah said,
Today, it’s almost 192 countries which are directly or indirectly effected by the Corona Virus and these are the countries who claimed to be the super powers and also claimed that they have the best medical care, best researchers, one of the best healthcare systems but they all are now helpless and waiting for some miracles. But as a Muslims, we have faith that Allah is the only Power and can heal our pain, He is listening our tears. There is no FDA approved medicine which have been launched up till now for the treatment of this virus.
If we go back around 1400 years ago for a minute then we can easily concluded that how much we have in our religion if we have faith. A tiny seed of KALONJI can treat all diseases except death but we take our religion only to offer prayers and thought that we are going on a right way. No Islam is a complete way to live life. Allah has given us answer of every Question.
As we all are seeing that there is no powers, no weapons, no medicines are there to give us treatment of this unseen virus, all men from King to common man, we all are now helpless and waiting for the mercy of Allah because those who have the best medical facilities and those who have no advanced medical care, all are on same page in the same situation. There is no power on Earth who claimed that he has any solution to stop this pandemic disease. As we have heard that oh! We are living in 21st century and we have the solution for every problem. We are independent, we are educated, we are powerful and can do anything with our own. But we forgot that we can’t even know that whether we will take our next breath or not!
Life is very short and this world is just a place of learning, it is not an ideal place to live, it is not the place where we get everything we want. We have forgotten our core responsibilities towards our religion, also towards our Homeland. We forgot why we have sent in this world. We were just living for false fame, owner, money. The world is facing what we have sow and now we are behaving like we haven’t done anything wrong. Just think about it! Just take few minutes and think seriously what this world did with Kashmir, what this cruel humanity has done with the Muslims of Palestine, what this so called independent countries did with underdeveloped countries, what we all have done with our brothers, we have forgotten our responsibilities, we have forgotten our basic rules of Islam, we have heard that cleaning is our half Emaan but what we did is totally opposite.
We are now shouting that please wash your hands, stay away from dirt, kindly maintain social distancing, drink water as much as you can. 
Just think for a second that these all instructions have already been said by our Religion. But yes! We haven’t remembered. We were busy in talking about what were my rights and what were your rights. But in the meantime we have forgotten that what were my responsibility and what were your responsibility. The world is crying for that uncountable deaths and lockdowns but what about those millions of people who are facing this since a long time and nobody seriously nobody cares. That’s the bitter truth but that is the face of our world. What we did, is now happening with ourselves. 
It’s a high time to realize that give equal rights to every single person in the world before it’s too late. Live for yourself is good but live for others is the best. Care for your people is justified but killing the rights of others is unjustified. Happiness in your country is acceptable but tears and blood shed in other countries because of you people is no more acceptable. This is an unseen virus which made you helpless, but just think that it is just a virus, He is the only Power and it’s all about the two words of Kun – Fayaqoon. 

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