Saturday, August 17, 2019


Are we inhaling a pollutant air? If we don’t know then we should just look around as for a while and we will get the answer very easily. We have buildings, a huge buildings all around us and what we don’t have that is plants, pots, trees. We have constructions in every area of our city as well as in our country. Plantation is just a simple word but it has a great importance in our lives which we should have to understand before it will become harmful for our generation and toxic for our coming generations.
Plantations is a very common word that means to plant a group of trees to get a fresh environment which is free from all the pollutants. Why is it important? It is important because plants have ability to absorb carbon dioxide which is harmful for us and give us oxygen which is necessary for every creature to survive.
Plants can provide us fresh and natural air and make our environment pollutant free which is very important for us. Trees are the natural source of oxygen and if we don’t have trees around us then our lives will be in danger after some times. As a citizens of this land we all have equal responsibility to do what we can do to make this land a pollutant free not only for ourselves but for animals and every living creature.
Plantation in these days are now become necessary for our country because from the last five years, temperature of the world is rising day after day and we have to observed above 40°C in our cities which can leads to the heat stroke conditions and also can leads to the death of many people and even many animals too.
One plant by a single person can make a difference because we have around 216.5 millions of population and we can make a mark difference if we all do plantation by our own self because only Government is not responsible for it, we as a responsible citizens of Pakistan have to think about it and make our city, our society, our country a green land because global warming is effecting every country and if will not take that matter seriously it will produce hazardous effects on us. Increasing pollution is very dangerous for human health and due to this many of the people are suffering with diseases only because of polluted environment.
Let’s own our land and let’s do plantation for ourselves and for our country. Made this country clean and green because its our country and it’s our responsibility. Show some care for the air you breathe.

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