Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Gar Firdaus bar-rue zamin ast, hami asto, hamin asto, hamin ast.”
(If there is heaven on earth, it is here, it is here, it is here)
This is a very famous quote which was said by Mughal Emperor Jahangir when he visited Kashmir in 17th Century. Without any doubts we have to say that yes, Kashmir is a pure heaven on earth since a very long time because of its magical beauty which is completely indefinable.  If a person traveled almost all the attractive places in the world but missed to visit Kashmir then he really missed something worthwhile.
In 1947, when the partition of sub-continent took place and Pakistan got freedom on 14th August, 1947 while India on 15th August, 1947 after a day of independence of Pakistan, Kashmir had become a major dispute between these two neighboring countries. Kashmir is a Muslim majority area, but India occupied that heaven area since a very long time. Azaad Kashmir is the area which is free from Indian forces and a part of Pakistan but the Indian occupied Jammu-Kashmir is still under the threat of Indian forces.

In the war of Kashmiris, millions of Kashmiris are killed and still brutally attacked by the Indian army since the time of independence. Many resolutions have been passed but the world, the super powers, the states of human rights all are still silent and their silent is dangerous because now Kashmiris have no fear of death because they are facing bombs, bullets, harassment and even pallet guns which is horrible action from Indian forces. The kids have lost their eyesight due to pallet guns.

Now what the world is doing for the innocent people who are not just a Muslims but a living human beings like anyone else in the world. The world needs to wake up and if still we are thinking that this dispute is only between Pakistan and India so wait for the horrible war between not only the two countries which have nuclear powers but the war that will destroy the peace of every country. The killing of Kashmiris should be stopped now, the use of chemicals on the innocent children and the use of pallet guns are just enough to open the eyes of the world. And now the recent change in constitution is open violation of UN resolutions. Kashmir is the land of Kashmiris and now the world should have to understand this. Pakistan have to take step forward for the Kashmiris as this time, it’s now or never movement! This issue has to resolved now and if this time the issue remains unresolved then the People of Kashmir, the people of heaven on earth will never forgive us and will never forgive this world. KASHMIR WANT FREEDOM.!

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