Friday, August 30, 2019


Muharram-ul-Haraam, the first holy month of Islamic calendar and it is one of the most precious and the most important month for all the Muslims in the whole world. The month of Muharram begins with the sighting of the moon on the last date of the last month of Islamic year. The month of Muharram is of great religious significance for the Islamic people all over the world. The 10th day of Muharram is marked as “Ashura”. The day when the grandson of Muhammad (S.A.W) Imam Hussain and his family and his 72 companions martyred at the Battle of Karbala in 680 A.D.
On the 9th and 10th or 10th and 11th day of Muharram, most of the Muslims opt fast to remember that feelings of Imam Hussain and his family because they even didn’t get water for three days by the brutal caliph Yazid. The Muslims all over the world remember the importance of this battle and the importance of what the Prophet's family did for the Justice and stood against the corrupt, suppressive and deviated ruler Yazid.
Imam Hussain (R.A) and Imam Hassan (R.A) was the two grandsons of Muhammad (S.A.W) and the brave sons of Hazrat Ali(R.A) and Hazrat Fatima (R.A), Imam Hussain and his family and his 72 companions were brutally martyred by Yazid as he didn’t bows his head in front of wrong and brutal act against the humiliation of mankind and stood against Yazid till his shahadat.
The bravery of Imam Hussain (R.A) and his companions can never be fully defined. The holy shrine of Imam Hussain (R.A) is in Karbala, Iraq.
The battle of Karbala gives us the strongest message for all the humanity that it was the war of 72 that has left the message for the billions. This month gives us a lesson that no matter who we are and no matter how many strength we have, if we are right and follow the message of Karbala Battle we will be succeeded at every step of life. We should follow the message that instead of relying on oppression, relied on justice. We all should learn from the life of Imam Hussain (R.A) because nobody remember Yazid but everyone remember the name of Islam and the name of Hussain (R.A).

Saturday, August 17, 2019


Are we inhaling a pollutant air? If we don’t know then we should just look around as for a while and we will get the answer very easily. We have buildings, a huge buildings all around us and what we don’t have that is plants, pots, trees. We have constructions in every area of our city as well as in our country. Plantation is just a simple word but it has a great importance in our lives which we should have to understand before it will become harmful for our generation and toxic for our coming generations.
Plantations is a very common word that means to plant a group of trees to get a fresh environment which is free from all the pollutants. Why is it important? It is important because plants have ability to absorb carbon dioxide which is harmful for us and give us oxygen which is necessary for every creature to survive.
Plants can provide us fresh and natural air and make our environment pollutant free which is very important for us. Trees are the natural source of oxygen and if we don’t have trees around us then our lives will be in danger after some times. As a citizens of this land we all have equal responsibility to do what we can do to make this land a pollutant free not only for ourselves but for animals and every living creature.
Plantation in these days are now become necessary for our country because from the last five years, temperature of the world is rising day after day and we have to observed above 40°C in our cities which can leads to the heat stroke conditions and also can leads to the death of many people and even many animals too.
One plant by a single person can make a difference because we have around 216.5 millions of population and we can make a mark difference if we all do plantation by our own self because only Government is not responsible for it, we as a responsible citizens of Pakistan have to think about it and make our city, our society, our country a green land because global warming is effecting every country and if will not take that matter seriously it will produce hazardous effects on us. Increasing pollution is very dangerous for human health and due to this many of the people are suffering with diseases only because of polluted environment.
Let’s own our land and let’s do plantation for ourselves and for our country. Made this country clean and green because its our country and it’s our responsibility. Show some care for the air you breathe.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Gar Firdaus bar-rue zamin ast, hami asto, hamin asto, hamin ast.”
(If there is heaven on earth, it is here, it is here, it is here)
This is a very famous quote which was said by Mughal Emperor Jahangir when he visited Kashmir in 17th Century. Without any doubts we have to say that yes, Kashmir is a pure heaven on earth since a very long time because of its magical beauty which is completely indefinable.  If a person traveled almost all the attractive places in the world but missed to visit Kashmir then he really missed something worthwhile.
In 1947, when the partition of sub-continent took place and Pakistan got freedom on 14th August, 1947 while India on 15th August, 1947 after a day of independence of Pakistan, Kashmir had become a major dispute between these two neighboring countries. Kashmir is a Muslim majority area, but India occupied that heaven area since a very long time. Azaad Kashmir is the area which is free from Indian forces and a part of Pakistan but the Indian occupied Jammu-Kashmir is still under the threat of Indian forces.

In the war of Kashmiris, millions of Kashmiris are killed and still brutally attacked by the Indian army since the time of independence. Many resolutions have been passed but the world, the super powers, the states of human rights all are still silent and their silent is dangerous because now Kashmiris have no fear of death because they are facing bombs, bullets, harassment and even pallet guns which is horrible action from Indian forces. The kids have lost their eyesight due to pallet guns.

Now what the world is doing for the innocent people who are not just a Muslims but a living human beings like anyone else in the world. The world needs to wake up and if still we are thinking that this dispute is only between Pakistan and India so wait for the horrible war between not only the two countries which have nuclear powers but the war that will destroy the peace of every country. The killing of Kashmiris should be stopped now, the use of chemicals on the innocent children and the use of pallet guns are just enough to open the eyes of the world. And now the recent change in constitution is open violation of UN resolutions. Kashmir is the land of Kashmiris and now the world should have to understand this. Pakistan have to take step forward for the Kashmiris as this time, it’s now or never movement! This issue has to resolved now and if this time the issue remains unresolved then the People of Kashmir, the people of heaven on earth will never forgive us and will never forgive this world. KASHMIR WANT FREEDOM.!

Friday, August 2, 2019



The word “Unpredictable” is a commonly used term and we all hear this word whenever our beloved cricket team is in the ground against the most powerful team or the team which is on the last number of the points table. But we are not unpredictable in sports only we, Pakistanis are unpredictable at every forum of the world.

Pakistan is such an amazing country with all the natural resources. We are one of the most hospitable people in the world. Although according to 2018 survey, Pakistan is the 6th largest populated country in the world but what makes Pakistan an unpredictable nation?
Yes, it is not a difficult question to be answered that why Pakistan and the people of Pakistan are so unpredictable and challenging. We are living in the country which is blessed with everything, it means that we have all kinds of weather; we have mountains, deserts, glaciers, fruits, vegetables, cotton, food items and many other natural beauty which a person wants to see or a country wants to have.
Now why I’m talking about these blessings? Pakistan is the reality that comes on the world map 71 years ago on 14th August, 1947 after the partition of British India. We are the nation who always surprised the world by our unity. If we go back in 1940’s, one can easily trust on the words that we surprised the world because the Resolution of Pakistan was passed on 23rd March, 1940 and after the resolution was passed, the world witnessed that we made an unpredictable and indefinable efforts to get our dream country Islamic Republic Of Pakistan. As Quaid-e-Azam said,
“The great majority of us are Muslims. We follow the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed (may peace be upon him). We are members of the brotherhood of Islam in which all are equal in rights, dignity and self-respect. Consequently, we have a special and a very deep sense of unity. But make no mistake: Pakistan is not a theocracy or anything like it.” 
No one can even imagine that Muslims of British India could get their freedom under the umbrella of remarkable historic Muslim leaders like Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Iqbal, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Liaquat Ali Khan and many more Muslim Heroes and the people of British India who gave their blood and sweat for the freedom.

When we move forward and talk about nuclear powers, we also give surprise to the world when we rise up as the First Muslim country in the world who constructs civil nuclear power plants. And we are the 7th atomic nuclear power in the world.

Pakistanis are the most hospitable nation in the world. This is not my opinion; this is the view of foreign travelers who traveled Pakistan. An American traveler blogger Drew Binskey said that the country’s hospitality is the “World’s best”. He further shared in one of his video that he didn’t spend any money during his travels to the country “not by choice” but because of the hospitality of Pakistan that they won’t let me pay for anything.
We as a country and as a nation are facing too many problems but on the other hand we are also prepared to spread love and always want peace in the country and in the world because we are always ready to push our efforts for peace in any area of the world. Although we have nuclear powers but we always as a nation talk about peace only. That unique and loving behavior of Pakistanis makes them an amazing and unpredictable nation because we showed the world that what we decided to do we can do and 71 years of this homeland is an example for everyone. Pakistan Zindabad!