Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Education system of Pakistan

Education system of Pakistan is one of the most important subject which we all have been discussing since a very long time. It has always been an important topic whenever we are talking about the development of our country.

Before discussing the issues and problems in the education system of Pakistan, first we have to understand what actually education system is? The education system includes all institutions that are providing a formal and quality education from basic to higher education, public to private, for-profit and non-profit, providing different facilities, students, resources, infrastructure, rules and regulations and many other departments. An education system is a complete hierarchy from organizational body to the students.

Pakistan is an independent country and it has its own laws and rules. When it comes to an education, it is mandated in the Article 25-A of the constitution of Pakistan, that the state is responsible for providing free and compulsory education to the children of the age group 5 to 18 years. But this rule is unfortunately exist only on paper but not any practical implementation we have seen yet. The basic issue of our education system is that we don’t have one system, we are existing in between many systems. We have government schools where education standards are very low as compared to the private schooling system, but on the other hand private schools are very expensive.

Then we have many other systems of education which met the criteria of international standards. Then come to another main reason why primary and secondary education is damaged so badly, increased number of coaching centers because those teachers who are giving a home tuitions cannot teach properly in schools and encourage parents to send their child in the tuitions. And we all know about the renowned tuition centers in our big cities. This has been become a business and parents have no other option because schooling education quality is decreasing day after day because of different coaching centers and school associations. Coaching centers provide that trustable education which the parents and the students want to gain and then they thought that coaching is necessary for their child.
Other than that issue, we also don’t have any accountability. We don’t have any fear of punishment because it is the responsibility of the state to maintain the check and balance of each and every school in all the provinces. In the whole education system, students are not satisfied and parents are always complaining that they all give their best but their child didn’t get what he or she deserves. From nursery to secondary we taught our child to observe, think and then made their concepts to write freely what he or she observed but suddenly when he or she has made all his concepts he or she came to know that one NTS test can make or break his or her all dreams.

If I particularly talk about my city Karachi, we have only 4 government medical college and 1 main government engineering college. So how can you think that every student who wants to be a doctor and serve his or her country can get the admission to fulfil his or her aim? Just think about it. There are many other issues and all issues can’t be discussed in a single article. So now come to the solutions that what major steps should be taken by the responsible people of that system or the state.
Firstly, the state should take some major steps to overcome the education system problems, and implement the law of Article 25-A to make sure that no students should be out of the school and get his primary education atleast. Then start some awareness programs for the people who have less education and awareness regarding importance of education. As accountability is very important in the success of any country, this is the responsibility of the government to appoint educated person in the education department and make sure that no one is out of the law and rules, made such kind of strict accountability laws. The lack of proper planning is majorly target our generation and our coming generations so make proper plans of atleast 5 years. Federal government should provide special grant to the provinces where the literacy rate is low because basic education is the right of every citizen of Pakistan as mentioned in the laws of Pakistan.

All the issues we have been discussed needs a proper reforms but these reforms which are required in the education system of Pakistan cannot be done by the federal government alone. The participation of private sector is also required for the better future of our education system. A combined efforts of people who are directly or indirectly connected to that system can bring a change in the education system.

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