Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Are you stressed? Are we living a stressful life? These two basic Questions everyone should have to know because our daily life is based on how we managed the things we are doing routinely in a week, month or year. But to answer these questions, first we have to understand that what actually is stress and how can it produce negative impact on our health?

In a very simple way, stress is our body response to pressures from the situation or life event. Every single person faces stress in any stage of his or her life. It is normal physiology to get stressed sometimes when things are not managed. But not all the time, the more we get stressed the more we adverse impact our body will face. A long term stress or tension can produce negative effect on our health and disturbs our daily life routine. A long term stressed life can leads to high blood pressure and also causes heart problems.

We need to understand that stressful give will never give us a positive and peaceful mind. We have to wipe out those things from our life which create stress and any kind of hurdle in our goals. A person should have courage to handle stress because if we can’t handle stress we can’t handle success. To achieve anything in life we have to be focused on our goals and forget regarding our education, our career, age, beauty or anything else. A girl should know how and when to say “YES” or “NO”. We have to be focused on our goals because education is the basic right of every human being. Every single person has a right to living their best life because we all have just one life and for this we have to give our best.

We all have one life to live and in this life do what is the best for you. Allah has made every creature for a reason and we just have to try to find out what is unique in us. Once we know what is our quality we can do every possible thing to achieve our goal. One more thing which we as a society have to understand that a girl is also a human being and have right to live freely with her family. She breaths like a common person in our society so let her do what she wants to do for herself and for her family with her family support, she is not a show piece. Let her live let her breath, treat her with respect. In the same way a man who works hard just for his family, his parents, his siblings, for his wife and for his kids and never thought for himself. We have no right to make his life stressful. Every person deserves the same respect. Don’t make any one life stressful, it’s not about gender difference it’s all about stress free life. Improve your quality of life, relaxed yourself, your environment and say no to stress! 
"Give your stress wings and let it fly away"

Friday, July 19, 2019


We are living in the era of technology and the world is just away from a click. Almost everyone has smart phones, laptops, tablets or many other advanced technologies which gives us immediate information about the world. Everything is good but not every time.
The growth of technology is one of the main causes of the decline of reading books in recent decades. Even we are not aware of what will be a book reading give us and what change a good book makes in our lives. Now a days, we are living such a busy life and due to extra burden of everything we are going in stressful conditions. But we have to understand that the most important thing is a peaceful mind and the best solution is to keep yourself away from everything just for an hour and take that world in the palm of your hands, what we just have to do is to select a good book in any of our comfort language and start reading.

Books are the only loyal friend we have and if our new generation understands this then all other stress will become secondary and there will be no loneliness or depression because a good book is a journey to the world we are unaware of. It has been observed that in a recent past that reading is nothing for us. There are very few people who show their interest in book reading. 

It is well said that a reader lives a thousand lives because every time when a person opens a book he or she experience a new fact about the world. We have thousands of good books which can make a marked difference in our life. A book can give us that knowledge which nobody can ever give us but if read it with all our interest. If we read one good book in our life then we will definitely gain some priceless knowledge, also it will improve our thinking to see the world more positively. And most important, it will reduce your stress and make you a positive person. Just read a single book in your life, you will understand what it gives you in return.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Education system of Pakistan

Education system of Pakistan is one of the most important subject which we all have been discussing since a very long time. It has always been an important topic whenever we are talking about the development of our country.

Before discussing the issues and problems in the education system of Pakistan, first we have to understand what actually education system is? The education system includes all institutions that are providing a formal and quality education from basic to higher education, public to private, for-profit and non-profit, providing different facilities, students, resources, infrastructure, rules and regulations and many other departments. An education system is a complete hierarchy from organizational body to the students.

Pakistan is an independent country and it has its own laws and rules. When it comes to an education, it is mandated in the Article 25-A of the constitution of Pakistan, that the state is responsible for providing free and compulsory education to the children of the age group 5 to 18 years. But this rule is unfortunately exist only on paper but not any practical implementation we have seen yet. The basic issue of our education system is that we don’t have one system, we are existing in between many systems. We have government schools where education standards are very low as compared to the private schooling system, but on the other hand private schools are very expensive.

Then we have many other systems of education which met the criteria of international standards. Then come to another main reason why primary and secondary education is damaged so badly, increased number of coaching centers because those teachers who are giving a home tuitions cannot teach properly in schools and encourage parents to send their child in the tuitions. And we all know about the renowned tuition centers in our big cities. This has been become a business and parents have no other option because schooling education quality is decreasing day after day because of different coaching centers and school associations. Coaching centers provide that trustable education which the parents and the students want to gain and then they thought that coaching is necessary for their child.
Other than that issue, we also don’t have any accountability. We don’t have any fear of punishment because it is the responsibility of the state to maintain the check and balance of each and every school in all the provinces. In the whole education system, students are not satisfied and parents are always complaining that they all give their best but their child didn’t get what he or she deserves. From nursery to secondary we taught our child to observe, think and then made their concepts to write freely what he or she observed but suddenly when he or she has made all his concepts he or she came to know that one NTS test can make or break his or her all dreams.

If I particularly talk about my city Karachi, we have only 4 government medical college and 1 main government engineering college. So how can you think that every student who wants to be a doctor and serve his or her country can get the admission to fulfil his or her aim? Just think about it. There are many other issues and all issues can’t be discussed in a single article. So now come to the solutions that what major steps should be taken by the responsible people of that system or the state.
Firstly, the state should take some major steps to overcome the education system problems, and implement the law of Article 25-A to make sure that no students should be out of the school and get his primary education atleast. Then start some awareness programs for the people who have less education and awareness regarding importance of education. As accountability is very important in the success of any country, this is the responsibility of the government to appoint educated person in the education department and make sure that no one is out of the law and rules, made such kind of strict accountability laws. The lack of proper planning is majorly target our generation and our coming generations so make proper plans of atleast 5 years. Federal government should provide special grant to the provinces where the literacy rate is low because basic education is the right of every citizen of Pakistan as mentioned in the laws of Pakistan.

All the issues we have been discussed needs a proper reforms but these reforms which are required in the education system of Pakistan cannot be done by the federal government alone. The participation of private sector is also required for the better future of our education system. A combined efforts of people who are directly or indirectly connected to that system can bring a change in the education system.

Thursday, July 11, 2019


Super heroes, usually when we hear this our mind immediately goes on super man, spider man and other fictional characters but are these fictional characters really our superheroes? When we asked our children they all know whom we are talking about. Because we didn’t teach our children that who are the real heroes.
We, Muslims are the most blessed people because we are the followers of the Last prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) and we have the greatest book among all which is Quran Pak. We have the best history and the true historical wins of our Khulfa-e-Rashideen (Hazrat Abu-Bakr, Hazrat Umer, Hazrat Usman and Hazrat Ali R.A.). Why we do not tell our children these true historical stories of our Sahaba? We should think about it that what we are doing with ourselves and our future generations as well.
Our beloved Prophet (S.A.W.) is the greatest example of leadership. He was always lead from the front and always did his work by himself. He always gives respect to not only Muslims but each and every person. His rules are same for everyone and because of his nature and truth he was known as “Sadiq” and “Ameen” not only by Muslims but non muslims also said that he never lied to anyone, he had the purest heart. In every battle he was with sahaba and his followers.
Muslims are blessed with many great leaders but our children doesn’t even know the names of that great heroes we have. Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed, the name who first took part in the battle of Uhad against Muslims and defeated them but then he later converted to Islam and became a true companion of Muhammad (S.A.W.), he joined Muhammad (S.A.W.) in the conquest of Mecca. He also recaptured a number of provinces which break away from Islam. His efforts for Islam was remarkable and can not defined in some lines. He was a great hero of Muslims.

We Muslims have such a great scientists like Jabir-bin-hayan, who is known and remembered as a "Father of Modern Chemistry". We have Ibne Sina, Al-Masudi, Al-Kindi and many more who are the pioneers of their work.
 Pakistan is not an easy task to be in the world map, it was a dream of Iqbal and efforts and right vision of Jinnah and other Muslim leaders of sub-continent. Allah blessed us with such a great leaders like Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Mulana Muhammad Ali johar,  Mulana Shaukat Ali, Liqauat Ali Khan, the Agha Khan, Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Pakistan is the “Land of the Pure” in which we are living freely and can follow our religion and culture is the victory of our great heroes and their true leadership. 
We all have to understand that these Muslim heroes did far much valuable and amazing work for us then any fictional character and just because we don’t tell our children about our true super heroes so they follow fictional characters and thought that these characters are super heroes. It is our responsibility to tell them about Islamic historical events and heroes of Islam. Think about it!