Saturday, July 6, 2024


Realization: a word we often use in our daily conversations, but have we ever considered its true significance? Suddenly, you find yourself about to turn 28, remembering your 18th birthday as if it were yesterday. Before you know it, you'll be 38. It's crucial to work towards your future while living fully in the present, all the while not forgetting the lessons of the past. Realize your mistakes, understand the situations of your loved ones, and embrace realization over regret. Recognize the value of a fresh morning and a peaceful night. Understand the differences between your 18-year-old self, your 28-year-old self, and your future 38-year-old self. Regret can be far more painful than realization.

Success is not merely measured by the money in your bank account. True success is about happiness at the end of the day, about being able to sleep without the aid of pills. Instead of looking at how many designer clothes or shoes are in your closet, think about how good and mentally balanced wearing them makes you feel? Moments, people, and time truly matter, not the place. Even if you are in the most wonderful place in the world, you won't be mentally present there if you don’t have the right person with you. Realize the actual needs and wants in your life. Understand that your mental health is crucial to maintaining your physical health, and if you are not stable mentally, no food, juice, or fruit can make you healthy.

Today's generation is practical, always searching for logic in every situation. But it’s essential to understand that money can't buy everything. Many may laugh at this statement, but it is an absolute truth. We often see people with no financial issues but who are badly damaged physically or emotionally. You might have a lot of money, but without a peaceful environment, that money is meaningless. Your job might take you to fascinating places that others only dream of, but sometimes, all you crave is a simple cup of tea with your family. It's not about the tea; it's about the happy faces, the sibling's chatter, the peaceful smile of your spouse, and above all, the presence of your parents at home. Nothing beats this luxury, and no other happiness matches this.

We often call our younger generation a sad generation with smiles on their faces. It’s not because they don’t want to be happy but because they are searching for happiness in the wrong places. To focus on our goals and achieve something meaningful, we need to work on three things: discipline, sincerity, and patience. Shortcuts are meaningless; gradual growth is everything. It brings success, peace of mind, and time management, and allows you to balance your practical and personal life together.

In the end, the only emphasis is to work on the journey of true realization because realization is difficult but regret is painful. Realization is to identify your own mistakes, work on yourself, praise yourself for all your hard work, clap for yourself, and focus on your journey. Never ignore the efforts of your family who remained with you in all circumstances. Accept that no one is going to love you and care for you more than your own family. Realize the importance of time, the value of your loved ones, and the significance of true happiness. Embrace realization over regret, and work towards a balanced and fulfilling life.