Saturday, August 19, 2023


Life is a very unique journey that has numerous countless blessings, hardships, happy moments, tough nights, and unlimited and unexplainable feelings. From the first breath till the last one, it is a journey of different experiences, opportunities, and challenges. Sometimes it makes us the happiest people on earth and then another day is a different experience. These ups and downs are as similar to our heartbeats. If it is, there will be nothing left. 

We are blessed that we have a lot of beautiful relationships and things given by Allah and, most of the time, we are very ungrateful for having all of them. Life is not a question paper that we have to solve but a path of unique emotions and events that change us with the passage of time. We may have plans and aspirations, but life often has its way of surprising us with unforeseen twists. These twists and turns of life make it exciting and sometimes tough! That's why we all hear that life is a journey to be experienced. 

"If life were predictable, it would cease to be life, and be without flavor." unpredictability is necessary for us because if we know what will happen in the future, we will never enjoy the present as it is a gift from Allah to us. Living in the present is not an easy task to do because, most of the time, whether we think about our past or we worry about the future, in between the past and future, we miss the current time that is present. 

"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." John Lennon, we regularly plan a lot of things but we forget to live in the moment we have. Setting goals and pursuing passions that align with our true selves provide a sense of direction and fulfillment. But with all this planning, we should make time for ourselves and the people we love, the things we want to do, and anything that makes us happy.

 But what makes us happy? An expensive item? A high-salary job? A remarkable educational degree? A societal status? Any position on renowned platforms? When we observe, around us, many of us have everything, more or less, but we are still not a very satisfied and happy generation. Why? Because we are finding happiness in materials. We have taken the word blessing for granted and we are just in a race of comparing our lives with others. If someone has a better job, we want that! If someone has a better degree, we start thinking negatively, if someone built his or her own house we start judging, if someone finds a good partner, we start talking about them. Why are we not happy about another's success? We don't know the journey of that person. It might be possible that the things we have he or she doesn't have! But we close our eyes for our blessings. We have to be grateful for the little things Allah has given us without even asking for them. Once we become grateful people, we will observe things differently and positively. We have to appreciate our journey, efforts, and hard work, and if we find happiness within ourselves, succeed in our life. We are the artists of our lives, and it is in our hands to paint something unique and fill our own painting with many colors! We are the manager of our life, we should know with whom we want to spend our time, and our life, and time is indeed the most precious gift. Don't give it to anyone. We have to embrace our imperfections and start living life in a different way to make it the most wonderful