Friday, December 29, 2023


As the year 2023 draws to a close in just a few days, it has revealed to us the true essence of humanity. From the East to the West, and from the North to the South, we have witnessed the harsh realities of people who once believed themselves to be the most compassionate and humanity-loving. Throughout this year, the cold-heartedness within all of us has been exposed, shedding light on how the world treats those who dare to speak up for their rights.

The world has not only demonstrated that women are the only ones who can shed tears but has also revealed the profound impact of witnessing innocent children lose their lives. In these heart-wrenching moments, even the strongest of men find themselves devastated, grappling with a sense of powerlessness in the face of such unjust circumstances. Not confined to any particular city or nation, it appears that we have collectively fallen short, not just as a nation but also as human beings. People across the globe have grappled with soaring inflation rates, political instability, and the unforgettable, heart-breaking genocide. The silent puppetry of superpower nations has cast a shadow, influencing events with faces unseen but consequences deeply felt. The challenges we face are not limited by borders; they underscore our shared humanity and the need for collective efforts and action to address the pressing issues that affect us all.

This year has unfolded as one of the darkest eras in terms of humanity, kindness, and solidarity. The world, seemingly deaf and mute, has remained indifferent to issues surrounding basic rights, which are not exclusive to the empowered alone. The global community has faltered in ensuring fundamental rights, not only for adults but also for the most vulnerable, innocent children. Particularly, the world has failed to safeguard the lives and basic rights of Palestinians. The ongoing challenges underscore the urgent need for a collective commitment to addressing and rectifying the injustices that persist on a global scale.

Every passing year imparts valuable lessons, and one of the most profound takeaways from 2023 is the realization that closing our eyes or interrupting internet services cannot alter the truth. Disconnecting people does not reshape perceptions, dedication, or love. Injustice stands as the primary root cause for the myriad political, educational, and economic challenges we currently confront. It is a stark reminder that addressing injustice is crucial for overcoming the pressing issues that affect us collectively.

As we embark on the journey into the new year, signifying twelve new chapters of our lives, we collectively bear the responsibility to ensure that we prioritize self-improvement. Only by fortifying ourselves can we effectively advocate for others. Strengthening our resolve, we aim to become even more resilient, ready to confront the challenges the world presents. The prevailing injustice serves as an alarming call to action for all of us, demanding an immediate halt. To ascend to positions of influence and address these issues, it is imperative that we first focus on our own personal growth. Through self-awareness and empowerment, we pave the way for a more just and equitable world. 

The world needs to understand that if we are unable to build bridges, no one has the right to erect walls. This simple yet profound principle underscores the importance of fostering connections, understanding, and collaboration among nations and individuals. Walls, whether metaphorical or physical, only serve to perpetuate division and hinder the collective progress of humanity. In acknowledging our shared responsibility to bridge gaps and promote unity, we pave the way for a world that thrives on cooperation, empathy, and a shared commitment to a better future. 

Saturday, August 19, 2023


Life is a very unique journey that has numerous countless blessings, hardships, happy moments, tough nights, and unlimited and unexplainable feelings. From the first breath till the last one, it is a journey of different experiences, opportunities, and challenges. Sometimes it makes us the happiest people on earth and then another day is a different experience. These ups and downs are as similar to our heartbeats. If it is, there will be nothing left. 

We are blessed that we have a lot of beautiful relationships and things given by Allah and, most of the time, we are very ungrateful for having all of them. Life is not a question paper that we have to solve but a path of unique emotions and events that change us with the passage of time. We may have plans and aspirations, but life often has its way of surprising us with unforeseen twists. These twists and turns of life make it exciting and sometimes tough! That's why we all hear that life is a journey to be experienced. 

"If life were predictable, it would cease to be life, and be without flavor." unpredictability is necessary for us because if we know what will happen in the future, we will never enjoy the present as it is a gift from Allah to us. Living in the present is not an easy task to do because, most of the time, whether we think about our past or we worry about the future, in between the past and future, we miss the current time that is present. 

"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." John Lennon, we regularly plan a lot of things but we forget to live in the moment we have. Setting goals and pursuing passions that align with our true selves provide a sense of direction and fulfillment. But with all this planning, we should make time for ourselves and the people we love, the things we want to do, and anything that makes us happy.

 But what makes us happy? An expensive item? A high-salary job? A remarkable educational degree? A societal status? Any position on renowned platforms? When we observe, around us, many of us have everything, more or less, but we are still not a very satisfied and happy generation. Why? Because we are finding happiness in materials. We have taken the word blessing for granted and we are just in a race of comparing our lives with others. If someone has a better job, we want that! If someone has a better degree, we start thinking negatively, if someone built his or her own house we start judging, if someone finds a good partner, we start talking about them. Why are we not happy about another's success? We don't know the journey of that person. It might be possible that the things we have he or she doesn't have! But we close our eyes for our blessings. We have to be grateful for the little things Allah has given us without even asking for them. Once we become grateful people, we will observe things differently and positively. We have to appreciate our journey, efforts, and hard work, and if we find happiness within ourselves, succeed in our life. We are the artists of our lives, and it is in our hands to paint something unique and fill our own painting with many colors! We are the manager of our life, we should know with whom we want to spend our time, and our life, and time is indeed the most precious gift. Don't give it to anyone. We have to embrace our imperfections and start living life in a different way to make it the most wonderful

Saturday, July 8, 2023


 Are we all living in the present or do we just pretend to be in the moment physically? The world has evolved completely in the past few decades and we all are now entrapped in the era of technology. In this fast–paced world, we can connect ourselves with anyone in just a few seconds, but at the same time, we can sense a kind of disconnection from the present moments. A person can be present physically but feel absent mentally or lost in his/her thoughts about something else. It is a common distraction we all can experience in our daily life, and our senses play a very crucial role in all this.

Senses are one of the most unvalued blessings, we never think for a minute about what happens if we can’t see this wonderful world full of colors. What will we feel if we can’t hear the beautiful voices of our loved ones, can we imagine not smelling the wonderful fragrances? We never thank Allah after tasting a variety of delicious food and yes! How easily do we forget the feeling of touch and sense if it is safe for us or not? These senses are the real blessing that enhances our lives in countless ways.

The sense of sight allows us to behold the breathtaking beauty of nature, marvel at artistic creations, and witness the vibrant tapestry of colors that surround us. From the glorious hues of a sunrise to the intricate details of a flower, our ability to see enables us to appreciate the world's visual splendor and find inspiration in the simplest of things. Similarly, listening to numerous wonderful voices, the aroma of that coffee has the ability to cherish memories and evoke a range of emotions. Taste, an exquisite sense, allows us to indulge in a world of flavors and delights. From the tangy zest of citrus fruits to the comforting sweetness of chocolate. Don’t forget the sense of touch that enables us to feel the gentle caress of a loved one, the softness of a pet's fur, or the warmth of the sun on our skin.

In a world full of these blessings, mindful sensory awareness is necessary. Mindful sensory awareness involves intentionally paying attention to the sensations we experience through our senses. When we engage in mindful sensory awareness, we learn to appreciate the beauty and depth of each sense. Through the practice of observing things, we train our minds to be fully present, allowing us to embrace the moments. It will help us to make ourselves more positive towards life and it helps to find peace, joy, gratitude, and happiness in the present moments.

When we engage our senses with mindful awareness, we turn ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences. So, let's start the journey of mindful sensory awareness by consciously engaging with our senses and immersing ourselves in the present moment.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Discipline - Key Element in Building Healthy Habits


Discipline is amongst the most important personality traits to build a person’s strong lifestyle. In this ever-evolving era, we all are in a continuous race of finding success whether it is in the form of peace, money, health, education, or anything else that lies in between personal and professional life. But is there any shortcut to reach the top? The answer is NO! We cannot reach anywhere before the right time and without the right planning.


People are unaware of the fact that without personal growth and discipline, one cannot manage to retain his or her professional growth. Discipline is the bridge between our aspirations and our accomplishments. It is the fuel that transforms dreams into reality and unlocks the full potential within us. We all dream about the fulfillment of our plans, and goals, and achieve what we think during different phases of our lives. A kid of today is different from the past because the world is changing every other day. They are growing in the era surrounded by technologies; the instant accessibility of entertainment and information poses challenges to maintaining discipline and focus.

It is important to maintain the balance between setting boundaries and allowing the children to explore the world. But is discipline only have significance in children's lives? No, it is essential in every phase of life and for every person. A life without discipline is just like a ship without radar, we cannot ignore the significance of being disciplined. Practicing self-discipline can boost your well-being and outcomes in different areas of your life, from relationships to health to your career. Discipline is a driving force that helps us to stay focused, and overcome the obstacles in our journey to personal and professional excellence.

By practicing the habit of discipline, one can achieve the long- term goals, a peaceful mind, improvement in physical and mental health, and ultimately a positive lifestyle. A disciplined approach to time management empowers us to prioritize tasks, eliminate unnecessary distractions, and make the most of each precious moment. Discipline cannot just affect our lives but also impacts the people present around us, because if we are positive then we try to create a positive environment around us. It is an essential attribute to shape our lives and enables us to reach our goals. In all different phases of life, discipline acts as a guiding principle, ensuring that we make conscious decisions aligned with our long-term goals and aspirations.

Discipline provides structure and motivation toward building a healthy lifestyle with balanced habits. We prioritize our well-being above everything and then we start working on ourselves first, as it acts as a foundation to set goals for a better life, for a healthier life. Discipline establishes a routine and then we stuck to it to achieve day-to-day goals. We all can practice this basic habit to observe the drastic changes in our lives.